Food Drive Planning



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Thank you for considering a food drive to support MANNA FoodBank and our mission of involving, educating and uniting people in the work of ending hunger in Western North Carolina!

Thank you for taking the time to complete your Food Drive Planning Worksheet. If you have any questions, please call us at (828) 299-3663. We are grateful for your interest in supporting MANNA FoodBank. A staff member will contact you within 3 business days to follow up.

Contact Information

Food Drive Information

  • We will use our own containers PREFERRED
  • We prefer to pick up barrels from MANNA (please note, due to increased food distribution needs, MANNA can no longer deliver or pick up empty barrels)

Barrel Pick-up Details


Going the extra mile to deliver your food donations helps MANNA stretch our resources. Register a delivery appointment here:

If you collect more than three full barrels, contact MANNA about possible pick-up, and we will request loading assistance for all pick-ups.

  • Yes
  • No
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